
Showing posts from January, 2012

Awakened With Sunshine

     During the winter, I get what they call the "winter blues."  Each winter morning I have to pry myself out of my warm, cozy bed.  I know in my mind I need to get up, but I really don't have the urge to.  As I lay on my bed and my mom dresses me, I look outside at the snow, gloomy grey skies, and trees that are blowing in the cold wind.  I just want to roll back over and go back to sleep, especially the nights when I'm up most of the night.      Today was different.  I was still tired but as I woke up, I was greeted by the sunshine shining in on me.  As I slowly roll on to my back, I looked out with my eyes squinted as the sun is hitting me right in the face and saw green grass and blue skies.  Instantly I felt a smile brewing, a hint of excitement and I thanked God for this much needed sunshine.  It almost was like it was just for me, almost like He knew I needed sunshine.  My mom came in to dress me and she asked if I saw the sun today.  I smiled and said, "

The Greatness In God's Miracles

I know what you are probably thinking right now as you start to read this.  You're probably thinking you have better things you could be doing than to sit here and read this brief story about a disabled person.  For example watching TV, listening to your Ipod, reading your favorite book, being outside, playing with your pets or spending time with your family and friends.  Am I right?  Or are you wrong?  Think about that just for a second.         I'll give you a brief summary of what Cerebral Palsy is.  Cerebral Palsy, also known as CP, effects the body's nervous system.  CP also effects muscle control, like standing still - is difficult.   It can make fine-motor skills very hard to do.  For example: eating, talking, bathing, toileting, learning, picking things up and moving parts of the body.  There are three types of Cerebral Palsy: spastic Cerebral Palsy- causes stiffness and movement difficulties.  Athetoid Cerebral Palsy- leads to involuntary and uncontrolled movemen