
Showing posts from October, 2017

Be The Love

As I was rolling into power soccer practice the other night, a young boy on a basketball team, probably middle school age, locked his eyes on me right when the sliding doors opened.  I tried to mind my own business and kept looking straight ahead, thinking he'd stop.  I grew irritated and annoyed as I knew he was still staring at me, I saw him out of the corner of my eye.  I thought to myself, "who raised you?  Don't you know it's not polite to stare?  Stop it."  I know everyone is curious as to how I drive my power wheelchair since I can't use my hands.  I also thought, "you're at a place for disabled children and adults, what do you except?"  I started to take the easy way out and convinced myself that, "he's just a kid and doesn't know. "    As I passed him, I gave him a fake smile, as if I wasn’t irritated at all.  He kept staring then hurried off.  I couldn't believe I did that.  No one saw it but God and I felt H