My Essay For The Embolden Enrichment Grant

I applied for this grant for funding for college courses and driving adaptions.  Winning the grant didn't even seem in my reach...until I was told I did!  Here's my essay I wrote...enjoy!

Has someone ever told you that you just aren’t good enough?  That you will probably never meet their expectations?   I have been told that a lot all my life.  It brings you down and it might break your heart sometimes; but I’ve always had the strength to move on and prove them wrong.  I’m a senior in high school at Indiana University, looking to pursue a degree in web development and design at a local college.  I also want to drive on my own and start a business for disabled people to help them get the education they need and deserve.  I know I can achieve all of those goals with my passion, my determination and the help of this grant. 
High school has been a tough road for me, at the end of my freshman year I dropped out of my public school corporation.  Not because of bad grades or something terrible I did, but because every day I sat in a corner with a computer and my work.  No teacher teaching, no help guiding me, no friends to interact with.    I felt like I didn’t belong there and I was being punished for being disabled.   I decided to do home schooling online through Indiana University and I’m striving at my best.  Through this experience, I want to start a business or an organization to help other disabled kids and young adults following in my footsteps; and make their outlook on education a lot more reasonable and better, as they are our future. 
My love for web development and design came with years of experience on computers.  I did a couple websites for some local businesses and churches for practice and they were thrilled beyond words with the finished product.  They referred me to others, and that’s when I knew I had something going for me.   I still need a lot of training and classes so I can learn much more about the web development and design area; and also to have a degree under me as well. 
My other leap of faith is driving on my own.  I have already been certified and am waiting on funding.  I’ve always wanted to drive for as long as I can remember.  I want to feel that independence and freedom the first time I drive away.  I know many people with disabilities that are driving, and say it’s something you have to experience for yourself.   I don’t want to be dependent on someone to drive me everywhere, because I know if I get the right adaptations I can drive myself everywhere I need to go.
 I want to build strong awareness and educate the public about people with disabilities.     I want to be a good example and role model for the younger kids and even adults that have disabilities, who they can look up to and say, “I can do that too.”  I want to be an advocate and leader for people with disabilities, for guidance, knowledge, and for words of advice and encouragement.   I want to prove to people with and without disabilities; that if you put your mind to something and stick with it, you can accomplish anything.   I want to leave you with one of my favorite quotes of all time. “We, the one's who are challenged, need to be heard.  To be seen not as a disability, but as a person who has, and will continue to bloom.  To be seen not only as a handicap, but as a well intact human being.” - Robert Hensel 


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