Churches Accepting Disabilities

Sorry for not blogging for almost 2 years.  I have had a lot of events happen in my life, good and bad. I might blog about some of those things at a later time.  I want to start blogging again because I feel like my posts are well liked and I love to get me opinions out there.  So, with that said...I'll start with this one because it's fitting and I'm passionate about it.

    Since Easter is tomorrow, I thought this would be a great topic to touch on.  I have had personal experience and have heard many people with disabilities and their families say the same thing.  Same thing along lines of, "We just didn't feel welcomed in church anymore.  People would stare at our child when they made noises during the sermon, when everyone was supposed to be silent.  When my child clapped to the songs or when we gave them a toy to try to keep them as quiet and less annoying as we could, we would get starred at."
     Families also get told to leave the church because their child is too disturbing to the other members of the church.  After families are denied from the church, why would they want to try to go to another church?  What if this church is worse than the last one?  Does one parent need to take turns staying home with their child, while the other takes the other kids to church?  Is that what a church full of worship should be like?
     Maybe you can relate to this; whether the person listening to the sermon while a child with a disability is hitting their toy against their tray and you blatantly look at the parent, or you're the parent that gets embarrassed and upset when your child is being themselves, yet people are glaring at them.  Do you notice when the parent takes them out in the lobby?  Most times that's not for them or their child, that's being courteous to all the other members.
     I hope you've thought about the points I have brought up.  Whether you're a person with a disability, parent of a child with a disability, or the person that sometime glares back, everyone should feel equal and welcome in God's house.  Accept the people and families with a disability. Tomorrow for Easter, GO to church, TAKE your whole family, and be respectful and accepting to everyone no matter the situation.  We're all God's children.  He died for us to take away our sins.  He then rose from the dead so we will have eternal life.

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.  -Ephesians 1:7 NIV

Happy Easter!


  1. Thanks, Tiffany! Your message is inspirational. This is an issue we deal with; we are going to church tomorrow, but I fear we will leave mid service due to noise. This is such an important message and thank you for sharing it. Happy Easter!


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