Spring Has Sprung

       As you all probably know, today's the first day of Spring.  That word, Spring, just puts the biggest smile on my face as it does to many others this time of the year.  It's almost like we have made it through another Winter; which is true.  This morning my mom got me up and then went off to work like normal.  I usually start working on my schoolwork as she leaves...but not today.  I went into my bedroom with my dog following behind me and stopped and stared out of my window.  I noticed that the glass was warm so I opened it.  As I opened my window a warm, smooth, calm, Spring-like breeze was coming in and brushing across my sleepless face.  The sun was just peeking over the woods and made the sky look as if it were a painting.
By now my dog was on my bed wanting to get on my lap.  As she jumped onto my lap I went back to the graceful breeze and she laid on my lap as her nose smelled so many scents.  The sun was almost risen and beautiful; and it was lighter out now.  There wasn't one cloud in the entire sky and the trees have tiny green leaves on them.  The grass was greener and my flowers has blossoms on them.  Cars went by with their windows down and radio up, as the house shook as they drove by.
  I felt this feeling that I haven't felt all winter; the feeling of not being stuck inside all day because it's too cold to be out.  In that moment, I caught myself smiling again along with a giggle.  I went to the door and opened it, warm, soft air glided over my face as I went down my ramp.  I sat on my sidewalk looking up at the beautiful, cloudless, blue sky, sun shinning on me and heard birds chirpping.  I couldn't help but smile, sit there taking it all in and feeling like I didn't have a care in the world.  That's when I realized, old man winter is gone for another year!


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