Technology Take Over

     Social media, iPhone's iPad's, Kindle's, cell phones, video games, and laptops/PC's, technology has taken over our lives.  I don't need to go into detail but I will because it's worth it.  I bet you own 2 or more of these devices...I know I do.  Technology has really grown in the past 5-10 years, making our lives easier.  With about everything at our fingertips, why wouldn't you want that?  From shopping online to online dating you can do almost anything on the web.  In 2012, 45% of car wrecks involved a driver texting while behind the wheel.  It makes me sick when I see someone texting while driving...equal to driving under the influence. Please leave your cell phone in you purse or pocket while driving, if you need to text pull off of the road.  On average 80% of Americans spend 5 or more hours on the web and send 75 text messages per day.  Sound a bit over the top?  Think about it, do you spend that much time surfing the web and texting?  Drive while texting?  Ever burnt dinner while your cell phone or iPad was on the counter because you didn't want to miss anything?  Do your kids play video game after school until bedtime...with dinner somewhere in there?  Your answers are probably yes...even if you don't want to admit to it.

     Studies show, most families do not sit down and have dinner together anymore.  If you do, I bet a phone goes off or even someone texts.  Or everyone hurries to eat so they can get back to whatever they were doing.  Everyone is so busy with their personal live's that they don't recognize how important family time is.  Some parents are so busy that they drop the kids off at home with some fast food for dinner and they go back to work or to a meeting.  Most family members have their own vehicle because they can't wait on a sibling or parent to get home from school or work that meets their demanding schedule.  Is technology and your busy life taking away time with loved ones?  Are you not seeing or talking to your kids or spouse a lot due to the addiction to technology?

      You can get your family together again if you try.  It might not happen right away but it will happen with effort.  Try to have dinner together as a family two or three nights a week with no cell phones around.  Have a disconnect hour, where all devices are left alone and you all sit down and talk about your day, upcoming events, plan vacation ideas, ect.  You can also get a basket and make everyone put their cell phones, iPad's, ect. in the basket and have an hour of family game night or have a bible study.  Write letters to relatives that live far away and catch up with them...who doesn't like to get mail?!  You never know how long you have with your loved ones.  Make time for family, technology can wait...think about it.  I'll end with a quote that sums it all up.

Cherish your human connections - your relationships with friends and family. -Barbara Bush 


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